
The Foundation "Romanian Tradition "  has been carrying out constant and steady activities of benevolence  and good will, compassion and kindness for the unfortunate and helpless being the key compounds of Romanian people's identity.We permanently have in view the involvement of the young students in charitable and helpful activities for alleviating the suffering of others, thus, discovering the joy born out of an act of mercy and benevolence.

In Partnership with NOVENSYS

Financial and material support for the sick and needy people in our community:

In Partnership with ASCOR

- books and CDs donations for the students who participated in different activities organized by ASCOR

- periodical visits to shelter homes for children and elders,as well as summer camps organized at the Institution for Children at Valea Plopului.

Projects in progress for acts of benevolence

Due to our direct connection with our beneficiaries and their demands it is imperative for the Foundation's dynamic activity to diversify its actions and to initiate new projects.

The Creative Camps Project "The First Stroll Along the Path of Childhood"

We have a great responsibility of involving in the education of children,especially of those deprived of material means in order to help them integrate and involve in the social context.Some of them are quite talented kids and all they need is just a helpful hand to take them out of the monotony and emptiness their environment offers.They all can discover a more beautiful and generous world than the one they were born in and live in.In turn,their only task is to learn and apply the aquired knowledge so that they would enjoy the results of their work.


We do trust that all great and valuable things are achieved in small steps.The first who are to benefit from our projects and activities are the pupils from "Saints Three Hierarchs" Gymnasium School and those from the General School in the village "Baban's Lake",Gura Calitei, Vrancea county

Goals :

Purpose : the setting up of a permanent creation camp in "Baban's Lake ' village for the pupils in I-VIII grades from Bucharest and those from the General School in Baban's Lake.

For the project implementation, the Foundation has already concluded a partnership with the Church in Baban Lake that  is to provide the space necessary for the camp.The existing building is quite adequate for the intended activities,including kitchen,bedrooms,rooms for workshops.The pupils will be divided in two subgroups,either carrying out a certain workshop during the three days stay.
subgroup I : icons and wood sculptures workshop
Subgroup II : embroidery and knitting workshop
The last workshop will be a common on for both subgroups.The workshops will be coordinated by a group of art teachers from Bucharest and local traditional craftsmen from Baban's lake village.
The camp is intended to have a continuous activity (two-three days creation camps organized twice a month during the school year and of seven days during holidays).