5 July 2013

The First Camp

Our first camp took place at the end of the week called "different week" was, for all of us, firstly, a good opportunity to rediscover the greatness of nature coming to life again when the landscape seems to become richer in all shades of fresh green, of the willows' yellow or the purple of wild violets.

All the local people in Baban's Lake Village welcomed us warmly, treating us with apple-pie and nut cakes just taken out of the oven - of course, all cooked for the fasting period.

Then, we made for the bedrooms wondering what other surprises were expecting us in the evening and who had been looking after all the details so that everything was so nice, impressive and pleasant for us.

Our teacher of Religion himself!

Once arranged in our rooms, we tasted the delicious dishes cooked with so much love by our hosts and afterwards we left for a stroll in the neighborhood.

The children's joy and their long-awaited encounter with nature, animals, birds' songs, and the scent of spring deeply impressed the villagers who seemed to be reconsidering "the forgotten treasure" of their households.

Then, we stopped on a green, cozy glade - just perfect for roaming! Even the trees on the hills were quite attractive - what if we would go for a climbing competition?

On Saturday, after breakfast, we left for the small Monastery Dalhauti, one of the oldest in Romania, located not far from our camp at a distance of about 20 km from Focsani County in the middle of an oak and beech forest. The monastery is known especially for the miracle-working icon of the Mother of God as well as for the fact that it was there where the holy saint Vasile from The Apple Glade lived for 20 years.

We listened with curiosity and interest to what our teacher of religion. Ionut Dima, told us about the history of the monastery.

And then, our first "work session" followed. We arranged the tables in the camp yard and our sculpture teacher, Maria Petreanu, brought modeling clay and we were ready to start.

The small artists were focusing on giving shape to some sheep and lambs, whereas the others, less interested in clay modeling, were taking part in a chess contest.

On Sunday morning we all went to the Holy Divine Liturgy and after the children received communion we listened to Father Vasile Gavrila's homily.

It was a sunny and beautiful day and we all went out to enjoy our last afternoon in nature and fresh air.

The kids got involved in some joyful sports games and then we got ready for our return to Bucharest! Holidays, even short, are so nice, otherwise... we would be rather sad!